Bing Added Auto-Tagging On Shopping Campaigns

Paid search life just got a tad bit easier. Bing has added support auto-tagging on Shopping campaigns. And those relatively new image extensions also now get auto-tagging.

Bing finally rolled out automated UTM tagging on landing page URLs for reporting in analytics tools — namely Google Analytics — for text ads, keywords and sitelinks in June of 2014. With this update, the only spot auto-tagging isn’t available is on contextual ads.

So what UTM tags get appended automatically? Here’s the list:

Source (i.e., Bing).
Medium (i.e., CPC).
Content (Note that Bing has started using utm_content for ad group tracking because a formal UTM tag for ad group does not exist).
Term (the keyword triggered).

If you’ve already enabled auto-tagging in your account, you don’t have to do anything. To enable it, you’ll find the option to opt in under account Settings.

Source: SearchEngineLand

Peter Zmijewski is the founder and CEO at KeywordSpy. His expert knowledge on Internet Marketing practices and techniques has earned him the title “Internet Marketing Guru“ He is also an innovator, investor and entrepreneur widely recognized by the top players in the industry.