Bing Search Update On May 22nd?

Over the past few days I spotted two webmasters asking about a Bing Search update. With all the domain clustering and penguin chatter dominating the SEO space, it is possible that webmasters have been focused on Google and missed a possible Bing search update.

A single WebmasterWorld thread and single tweet directed at me seems to have a couple webmasters noticing a possible Bing Search update. Did Bing really update their algorithms or search results?

I checked and SERP Metrics and while both typically show a lot of fluctuation with Bing, the specific days called out by the webmasters (i.e. May 21st going into May 22nd) did show an uptick in changes at Bing. Here are those charts:

Have you noticed a change in your Bing traffic over the past few days?

The last possible Bing update we reported was in WebmasterWorld.