SEO Link Building Job Interview Question

A HighRankings Forum thread has a person going on a job interview set with the task to come up with ideas on how to get “natural links” for a site in a specific niche.

The SEO job applicant said he is new to the space, only got the interview because of his/her “enthusiasm.” Outside of that, the applicant needs to prepare for the task of a session of “brain storming” on “ideas about natural link building.” The specific niche is a “motorcyclist company selling equipment, parts and clothes need to build natural links and i need to put suggestions forward.”

The question is, is the SEO company asking a trick question? How do you naturally build links? Isn’t that, by definition, unnatural?

In any event, the folks at HighRankings forums gave the applicant some advice.

The job interview is probably over by the time this story goes live but it does make for an interesting topic.

Forum discussion at HighRankings Forum.