Video: Jennifer Slegg on Google’s search quality raters guidelines

And whether SEOs too obsessed with Google search ranking updates.

When the quality raters guidelines began to leak out, even before it was a public document, Jennifer was breaking these 160-plus page PDF documents into something the industry can consume and use. Now she is one of the few who do a great job breaking down what has changed in the document when Google pushes out an update.

One thing in that document that she feels gets too much attention is the section on E-A-T. The document is a good overview of which types of web sites Google wants to see rank highly in search, but you should not focus on one individual thing. Don’t get too engrossed in a single section or single bullet point when reviewing these guidelines.

We also briefly talked about Google algorithm updates and how it isn’t always healthy to follow them too closely. Jennifer and I reminisced a bit about the early days of the community, when Google launched AdSense and much more. You can follow Jennifer @jenstar.