Google Search Console products enhancements report gains more granular errors

Starting September 29th, you may see changes in your products rich results enhancements report in Search Console.

The notice. Google posted this update in the data anomalies help page saying that starting on September 29, 2021 “Search Console now provides more granularity in error reporting for Product structured data items.” “As a result, many issues involving incorrect formatting that were formerly marked as invalid object are now marked more specifically with invalid type or format categories,” Google added.

The product report. Google first added this report to Search Console in February 2019. Google has made improvements to the reports over the years, including this update. If you have product structured data on your site and a verified Search Console property for that site, you can access the report over here on Search Console.

You can learn more about this report over here.

Why we care. If you see a spike or decline in errors on September 29, 2021, it is likely related to this change in how Google shows more granular errors in this report. Review the new revised errors and send them to your developers to resolve. Then check back a week or so later to see if the errors are resolved.