Microsoft Edge for Business Enters Private Preview

Microsoft has announced that its Microsoft Edge for Business has entered private preview, giving businesses an opportunity to put it through its paces.

Edge for Business is a specifically designed version of Microsoft’s web browser that gives admins the ability to maintain control and keep their organizations secure. The browser is also designed to help users segregate their personal and work browsing.

The company described the browser’s features in a documentation post:

Microsoft Edge for Business aims to address the needs of both end users and IT Pros as the browser that automatically separates work and personal browsing into dedicated browser windows with their own favorites, separate caches and storage locations. This separation ensures that work related content doesn’t get intermingled with personal browsing, preventing cognitive overload or end users from accidentally sharing sensitive information with unintended audiences. Microsoft Edge for Business is going to be the standard browser experience for organizations, activated by an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) login, upon general availability.

Microsoft has designed Edge for Business to make the transition between profiles as smooth and seamless as possible.

The Enterprise personal browser is designed to keep work and personal browsing separate for the end users via the new Automatic Switching mechanism. When the device has an existing MSA profile or creates a new one, it enables automatic switching to enforce the browsing context separation. We continue to update our automatic switching logic to support more sites.

Another thing to note, when Microsoft Edge for Business is available, the personal browser profile is lightly managed, without requiring additional configuration. The personal browser profile will automatically inherit only the following policy categories:

  • Security Policies (e.g., Application Guard, Enhanced Security Mode, and others)
  • Data Compliance Policies (e.g., Microsoft Purview DLP, Microsoft Insider Risk Management)
  • Microsoft Edge Update Policies (e.g., Enforcing Edge Update Rules)