Advertisers will soon have AdWords tools to test & measure creative elements of YouTube video ads

YouTube’s new creative suite — which includes Video Experiments, Video Creative Analytics, YouTube Director Mix and Video Ad Sequencing — is still in beta.

Google is introducing new tools in AdWords for YouTube advertisers to measure and test creative aspects of their video ads. Announced at this week’s Cannes Lions Festival, the newly launched YouTube creative suite involves four new tool sets: Video Experiments, Video Creative Analytics, YouTube Director Mix and Video Ad Sequencing.

Video Experiments is a “head-to-head testing tool” that gives insight into brand lift metrics and measures the impact of an ad’s creative elements on things like brand awareness, consideration and purchase intent. Advertisers will be able to use the tool to run “cleanly segmented” ads on YouTube at no cost beyond standard ad fees, with results available in as little as three days.

“Video experiments, launching in beta later this month, convert non-working media spend typically used for focus groups in simulated ad environments into working media spend in real ad environments. On YouTube, people only watch what they want, making it an ideal testing ground for actionable results you can trust,” says Ali Miller, group product Manager for video ads, in the announcement. It’s set to launch in beta later this month.