5 Slackbots to Improve Your Business Operations in 2018

Slack has become one of the most widely used team collaboration tools on the market due in large part to its flexibility. More than just a messaging platform, Slack offers a variety of customizable tools and apps to its over six million daily active users, two million of which are paid.  Among the tools that make Slack flexible and easy to use are chatbots.

Called Slackbots, these chatbot assistants are integrated into Slack conversations. And contrary to what their name suggests, these bots do not slack off. They are designed to sort through messages, monitor assigned tasks, track performance, and even integrate with your email to monitor urgent correspondence, all within the platform. Virtual assistants like Slackbots efficiently handle tedious and time-consuming work, allowing you and your team to focus more on revenue-generating activities.

Whether it’s for productivity, marketing or anything else, there is a Slackbot for just about every business need. Here are some that can make a difference in your daily operations in 2018.

1. BusyBot