Bing Search Spam Fighter: Interesting Reality Check From SEOs

Frédéric Dubut is a Bing spam fighter, he works on search quality and safety at Bing – we quoted him here a few times. He attended the TechSEO Boost search conference yesterday and posted on Twitter “I always find it fascinating to hear the “reality check” from SEO folks.”

What does he mean by that? He said “particularly the small things where the systems and algorithms that we implemented don’t necessarily behave exactly as we think they do.” Two examples he gave, but here are more include (1) implicit local (triggering local intent without “near me”) fails 50% of the time and (2) robots.txt parsing is not 100% consistent across all the tools.

Here are his tweets:

I love getting a reality check on what search engine representatives see from the SEO community – so it goes both ways. In fact, listening to search engineers and their concerns around search quality has always given me a perspective outside of the SEO community. So hearing it from both ends is always interesting.